This Is Why I Write

Dear Max, This blog has always been my love letter to you.  I don’t write about you, I write for you.  I write so that you will always have a record of how I feel about you.  I show you every day, with hugs and laughter and smiles and sweet “nose kisses”.  I show you…

Angry Blogger

This space has been kind of quiet lately.  I’ve taken a step back. I came home from BlogHer12 with more questions than answers.  When a friend asked me about my trip to NYC today, I told her the truth.  I felt fulfilled by BlogHer, and yet it pulled back the curtains on some ugly truths. …

BlogHer12: Is There Room At The Table?

As 4,000 bloggers unpack their suitcases and settle into the laundry/write/prepare dinner routine across the country, the proverbial Internet river has suddenly swelled with “Post BlogHer Recap” posts.  I’ve spent a few days on my little lifeboat, floating down the Twitter stream, comparing and contrasting my own BlogHer re-entry with that of other bloggers. What…

BlogHer12: Let’s Tell The Truth

In the months leading up to BlogHer12, I pored over the internet in an attempt to find advice about what to expect. I wanted the truth about BlogHer. I wanted the outtakes. I wanted the dirt. The nitty-gritty. NOT more information about shoes, or outfits, or business cards. What I found were generalizations. “Be yourself.…

I Am

Have you heard the old, tired record that’s been spinning around on this blog lately? The one with the “angst-y” lyrics? The one that’s scratched, with deep grooves notched in by a fuzzy needle that no one ever picks up? That old “BlogHer 12” record? Well I’m breaking it in half. I found this last…

Superheroes In Aurora

Max wore his Captain America T-Shirt to preschool today.  Buckled into his carseat, his little face peered out the window, washed in the morning sunshine.  I had the news on the radio.  I had that strange compulsion that all parents have, the need to drink in any breaking news about children being hurt.  Max was calling…

Chutes and Ladders: The Game of Blogging

I spin the plastic wheel that sits slightly off-balance on the brightly colored cardboard.  The numbers fly by, and finally land on 3. I pick up the tiny orange gingerbread man and nudge him forward three spaces.  I land on a “ladder” and pick up a card.  “Your blog post was syndicated! Climb the ladder!” it says. …