‘Twas the night before Chanukah, and tucked on our shelf,

is a beautiful menorah, and not that darn Elf.

No stockings are hung by our chimney with care,

but a warm fire is burning, and we’ve all gathered there.


For Chanukah is different, and we like it that way.

Our kids just don’t miss that old man in his sleigh.

We won’t sing the carols and we don’t have a tree,

our holiday tales are of brave Maccabees.


My two boys are little, so they’re learning each day

to feel good in their faith, living our Jewish way.

Christmas is wonder and beauty and light,

but it’s not ours to honor as we celebrate each night.


We light our menorah and sing out a prayer

we talk of our Israel and the miracles there.

Chanukah is tiny and perfect and ours

it’s not filled with glitter though we do love our stars.


It doesn’t compare to the cookies and cheer,

we don’t have a mascot, like a red-nosed reindeer.

But our Chanukah feast has brisket and gelt,

we light the Shamash, then the candles all melt.


Latkes are fried and the dreidels are spun,

presents are opened but each night it’s just one.

We have eight nights of family and feasting and love,

never missing a hearty “Ho, ho!” from above.


Tell Santa to skip us, ’cause we didn’t leave a note.

We’re relaxing with Baubee, eating sufganiyot.

We love that you’re festive, so please never fear

that we find you offensive, there’s no war on good cheer.


Just know if you ask about Dasher or Prancer,

our kids might stare blankly, not giving an answer.

When you call out “Merry Christmas!’ we’ll respond with a smile,

“Happy Chanukah!” we’ll offer, then we’ll chat for a while.


This year is special since we share with Thanksgiving.

Some challah stuffed turkey?  Now that’s really living.

Thanksgivukkah suddenly makes Chanukah cool,

they’re mixing the two in our Jewish preschool.


For there’s room in this world for two types of cheer,

The holidays are festive, no matter the year.

I love the lights strung ‘cross your chimney with care,

and I’ll light ours each night so you’ll know that we’re there.


Both houses will shine through a night filled with love,

we all like to honor the G-d from above.

We’re happy you’re Merry, we just want you to know,

that there’s more than one way for this season to go.


You can sing out your carols and let your faith shine,

we’re all for a party, if you bring the wine.

This season should honor the things we hold dear.

Our family, our friends, and some holiday cheer.


Menorahs or ornaments, a good sale at the mall

This holiday season there’s room for us all.

So from our house to yours, on this wet winter night,

Happy Chanukah to all, and may your candles shine bright.





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