Max’s Baubee came to visit the day that Max arrived, and today was her last day with us before she had to leave for Washington….to celebrate another huge milestone in our family….Uncle Scott’s graduation!

She was such an incredible help to us as we have been adjusting to our new routine of sleep deprivation, dirty diapers, and deciphering baby language (oh, and she totally put up with my crazy pregnancy hormones and helped calm down MY crying fits….not just Max’s!). We honestly could not have done it without her help….we miss you already Baubee!
Mom knows best, and she made some great meals for us to help us get our strength back up. The hospital had given us a “Celebration Dinner” the night before we left, but my mom won the “Celebration Throwdown” with this meal of my favorite things on our first night home….tuna noodle casserole and salad with goat cheese….yum!

From singing yiddish lullabies to Max (the ones that my Baubee sang to me) and cuddling him so that Sean and I could have a minute to breathe (or shower, or work….) to cooking enormous amounts of food for us to eat over the next few weeks (kugel, lasagna, oh my!) to doing loads of laundry and sterilizing an endless supply of bottles…..Baubee made sure that we started off in the right direction on this journey of parenthood!!!
Uncle Scott and Zaydee Peter joined us later in the week too, and were able to spend some time getting to know little Max. We hope that this is the first of many family get-togethers in our new home!


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