Every week I read the little box on the right——> to Sean, and we learn what Max is up to this week. Now that I’m officially 24 weeks, the box says that it may be possible for Sean to hear Max’s heartbeat if he puts his ear to my belly. Seriously???

So of course we had to try. Sean rested his head on my belly, and listened for a while. He thought he might have heard it, but then the noise faded away. So he stayed there quietly, with both hands on my belly and his ear pressed up against me…..and Max kicked him in the head! It was like Max sensed he was there…he started kicking more than he had all day! At one point he stopped moving so much and Sean shook my belly a little. I could feel Max roll around to the other side, where he then kicked Sean’s face again! For the next few minutes, Sean would say “I felt that!”, and I’d ask him where….”Right on my ear”, or “right here on my hand” he’d say….and every single time it would be exactly where I was feeling Max kick from the inside. The excitement in Sean’s voice was awesome…and it was absolutely amazing how Max could hear and respond to him (in his own little “in utero” way!) Sean got such a kick out of it that he started telling Max “high five” to see if he’d respond….and then, my personal favorite…after talking sweetly to Max for a while, Sean put his mouth up to my stomach….and burped. “I’m just teaching my boy!” he said.

This pregnancy gets more and more amazing every day. I am so awestruck by the beauty of our baby moving inside of me, Sean’s head on my belly, my hands on Sean’s head. I am so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful husband to share this with….burps, high fives, and all!


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